endure [ɪnˈdjʊə]
1. to undergo (hardship, strain, privation, etc.) without yielding; bear
2. (tr) to permit or tolerate
3. (intr) to last or continue to exist ....
2. (tr) to permit or tolerate
3. (intr) to last or continue to exist ....
That was one of the definations for endurability and
Goaahh faces it's first endurability test this week when we go downhill with bookings for the Beatles and Bollywood 70's fusion evening....
To tolerate is one thing that suits us but to last or continue to exist... suits us the best because team `Goaahh' believes endurability is not compromised by temporary failures.
Also this test has made me pay more attention to Shops & restaurants we can see while walking down the high street.Restaurants that stare in the face with empty and cold tables and chairs.A place,a dream that limps but is still trying to walk .Before today we just sat and said how difficult would it be for someone to be so lonely and yet be so preoccupied with the pressure of existence but today we know how challenging it is as well .It's like walking down Lover's Lane holding your own hand !
In times like these you either fight to become better and find new love in ideas and the battle to exist or you give up and tick another box of failures.It is also the time that makes you realize that walking the path is more difficult than knowing the path.
Lesson learnt :
failing once doesn't mean you're a failure,it just means you haven't succeeded yet!
We KnOw you'll bE WIth Us AnD HElp Us BOUNce bacK ............
We want to because we know we can, we want to because you made us believe we will !!